Ffion has been working big with her cyanotypes!
A masters graduate from Aberystwyth university Ffion work with pinhole and cyanotype along with numerouse other processes. 
This post is relating to her huge full body size cyanotype take a look and dont forget check out the website!

Below find the abstract from her site about the project.
‘Gwas y Neidr’ is a series of giant cyanotype images exploring the idea of transformation.  There is something particularly poetic about a nymph turning itself into a dragonfly. This crawling, dark creature emerges into an elegant, free being.

Transformation is constant and all around us. Using the cyanotype process allows me to experiment with these ideas.  I interact with light, shadow, water and matter, capturing an ethereal metamorphosis of the natural world. 

The physical involvement carried out during the making of a piece is also fundamental. It is like a ritualistic act, allowing the subconscious to play a big role.  I am a performer, but the audience is the chemically altered, light sensitive paper.


Ella Bryant -

Found this amazing artist on the Sliver Print website and checked out her site and found she had done two projects using Cyanotype and Van Dyke Brown, traveling around the UK documenting different aspects. relating to the land and people. Check out the images below but defiantly check out her site!


    Place for everyone to post about artsits, techniques/ processes and  exhibitions!  


    April 2013

